Sunday, March 15, 2015

Random Facts Part II

Random Facts Part II

~  Years ago, I was given the gift of a customizable lightsaber.  I love owning it & often play around with various hilt designs & changing the color of the blade.  For the first week or so after receiving it, I could not turn it on without giggling like a fanboy.

~  I am a nerd, but also a bit of a jock.  Offer me the chance to hit the batting cage, toss the frisbee or play soccer & you have my attention.

~  When it comes to video games, I love BioWare.  The Mass Effect Trilogy & Dragon Age series are among my favorites of all time.

~  I am a big comic book nerd.  Spidey & Captain America have always been my choices above others.  For comics & movies, I go with Marvel...for TV & animated movies, I favor DC.

~  Musically, I lean towards rock, hard rock & metal...with a little bit of techno & rap on occasion.  My favorite band of all-time is The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.  I saw them at my very first concert & have seen them more than a dozen times since.

~  If I had the chance to interview any five individuals or groups in the entertainment industry, it would be (in no particular order)...

1.  George Lucas
2.  J.K. Rowling & the main cast members of the Harry Potter series
3.  Stan Lee
4.  Metallica
5.  Mel Brooks

~  I very often regret the kind of person I was when I was younger.

~  I am very easy to please when it comes to food.  Give me pizza, a burger, some bbq or chinese food & I am content.

~  If I could afford it, I would love to try my hand at cosplay.

~  I have spent over a year in a homeless shelter.  It was one of the most traumatic experiences I have had to endure.  It still gives me bad dreams from time to time.

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