Wednesday, March 18, 2015

From the Page to the Screen.....Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone

From the Page to the Screen.....Harry Potter & the Sorceror's Stone

     This is something I started to do a while back.  I have a few friends with whom I debate certain books with & how those books got translated into movies.  Any true fan of a book will never completely agree with ALL the decisions made when a piece of beloved fiction gets made into a movie.  These are just one reader's thoughts on this.  Some of these are very small things that most people don't give a crap about, others are things that you've probably already heard screamed in forums somewhere

Things I Wish Were In The Movie

~  Professor McGonagall's human-like behavior while in her animagus cat form.  This was something very small in the book that I thought was great to read.

~  Fred & George Weasley promising to send a Hogwarts toilet seat to Ginny.  This repeats itself later in the book as they try to send one to Harry while he is in the infirmary   :)

~  The Sorting Song...I thought these were great and would've been great in the movies

~ any true fan of Harry Potter, this needs no explanation...what-so-ever.  I am seriously baffled as to why the exclusion of Peeves the Poltergeist

~  The dragon transport...this was a great scene in the book.  It introduces Charlie Weasley (even though he is not seen).  It has a dragon crate being transported by wizards on brooms and  Malfoy getting in trouble  :P

~  The Potions Riddle...I thought it would have been really cool to have in the movie.  Harry had his scene flying around with the keys & Ron had the Wizard's chess.  The Potions Riddle was Hermione's moment in the end of the book.  It also stood as proof that Professor Snape was helping with the defense of the stone.

What I Am Glad Was Not

~  The School's annoying as hell.  That is my sole reasoning

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