Thursday, March 26, 2015

From the Page to the Screen.....Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

Any true fan of a book will almost never agree with all the decisions made when a piece of beloved fiction gets made into a movie.  These are just one reader's thoughts on this.  Some of these are very small things that most people don't give a crap about, others are things you've probably already heard many times in forums & some will be things you giggle a bit or scream "YES!" while you read this.

Things I Wish Were in the Movie

~  The Dursleys losing their shit just from Harry using the word "magic".

~  Harry's time at the burrow was a really good, albeit short escape from the Dursleys treatment of their unwanted relative.  Harry enjoying casual games of quidditch, then something as tedious and normal as the magical chore of de-gnoming a garden.  I always loved all the moments of Harry loving the discovery of new experiences in the magical world.

~  One thing I hated that they changed was the confrontation between Arthur Weasley & Lucius Malfoy at Flourish & Blotts on Diagon Alley.  I would have cheered along with the twins to see the fistfight from the book.

What I Am Glad Was Not

~  Professor Lockhart's Valentine's Day festivities...I seriously can not stand Gilderoy Lockhart.  He is the Jar Jar Binks of the Harry Potter universe for me.

On The Fence

~  Sir Nicholas(Nearly Headless Nick)'s Deathday Celebration.  On the one hand, seeing all the ghosts congregating & such could have been very cool-looking.  The other hand to me was the gross food that had been left out to go bad for the ghosts rubbed me the wrong way.

~  Professor Binns talking about the legend of the Chamber of Secrets.  It had the possibility of being funny seeing a ghostly history of magic professor being coaxed into discussing a supposed legend.  let's just face it, Minerva McGonagall is awesome   :)

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